3 Ways to Write a Great Lawyer Bio

By Shawn Leamon

Chief Strategist, LaGrande Marketing

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The “About Me” or Bio page is one of the most important pages on your website. You want to make it as powerful as it can be.

But if you look at your Bio page now, chances are you’ll see something pretty similar to every other lawyer’s bio out there. Here are three ways to make your “About Me” page as compelling as possible for potential clients.

#1 – Tell Your Story

Why do you practice Law? Your bio should answer this basic question. Most lawyers have a compelling story that drew them into the profession. This can really resonate with potential clients.

  • Family lawyers often witnessed bad divorces in their childhood and want to prevent clients from going through the same ugly experiences.
  • Estate planning attorneys may have had a family member mistreated in a nursing home or witnessed the chaos that ensued when a grandparent became incapacitated without the proper estate planning documents in place.
  • Personal injury lawyers often witness a friend or family member struggle with the legal system after they suffered devastating injuries in an accident.

Your experiences motivated you to protect your clients and fight for their rights. Potential clients will want to know this. It is your superpower. Whatever your origin story is, don’t hide it. Communicate that story in your bio.

#2 – Share Your Outside Life

You have a life outside of the office, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. You have hobbies. You have a family. You might like to travel. Maybe you love baking bread or trying new varieties of wine. Whatever interests you, share it on your “About Me” page. 

You’d be surprised how many people appreciate having the chance to work with another “human” and not a “scary lawyer.” Often your shared interests are the factors that connect you with a potential client and drive them in the door.

#3 – Move Your Credentials to the Bottom

Bar admissions, organizations you belong to, where you went to school—these things are already in your bio, and they are important. They should remain in the bio, but not at the top. When you’re trying to connect with a potential client, your credentials should not be the main focus.

Everyone expects you to have good credentials, and they may look for them. But what will resonate with potential clients are the things that make you sound different from other attorneys.

Three Simple Changes Can Make a Big Difference

Making these three basic changes to your bio or “About Me” page can enable you to forge quick connections with potential clients. For more ideas about how to make your website and other online marketing efforts more effective, contact us.

LaGrande Marketing devises custom plans that cater to your firm’s strengths to create an online presence that gets results. I’d be happy to talk with you about it.

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