What Should I Post on My Law Firm’s Social Media?
Once law firms get comfortable with the idea that social media can serve useful purposes in their marketing strategy, then a moment of panic seems to set in. You wouldn’t believe the number of times attorneys ask me what they should be posting on social media for the firm.
You have more options than you realize. I’m going to offer three types of posts to consider for your law firm’s social media output, and these options will probably inspire you to think of many more.
Offer a Glimpse of Daily Life
Social media provides a great opportunity to humanize your attorneys and everyone in the firm. Even clients you’ve worked with for years may not feel they know much about you as a person, and these types of posts can give clients a deeper connection and provide a great introduction for potential clients.
Take some pictures of your staff going about daily business. Or if you or someone on your staff volunteer regularly or at special events, share pictures of the activities.
You can also include photos from personal life, such as attending a sporting event. Posts like this show you and your staff as relatable and approachable, not just scary professionals in suits.
Share Information about Your Area of Law
Another great type of content for law firm social media posts is information related to your practice area. If you’ve written a blog that answers client’s questions, share that. If you’ve run across information that would be useful to share but you don’t have time to write about it, share that source. (Of course, if that source is a competing law firm, you might want to assign someone to write about the topic for your own blog, and then share that post.)
Sharing helpful relevant information even when you have not produced it shows that you care about the wellbeing of your clients. It also keeps your firm and your practice area in people’s minds.
Brag a Little
Social media is a great place to brag, because we’re used to seeing it. People post the highlights of their lives on social media, so we’re conditioned to accept a little bragging. If you’ve won an award or received recognition, share a brief post about it. Even if the award doesn’t seem significant to you, it can make a big impression with people in your network who may not realize that you’ve won this award ten times before.
Remember that people only often read a line or two of a post, so if you go overboard on the bragging you may turn off some people and your additional verbiage may not make an impact with most others. A simple statement about what the award is and why you received it can be very impressive.
Social Media is a Great Avenue for Creative Promotion
It is perfectly acceptable to use social media as a vehicle to promote yourself and the great work your firm is doing, whether that is charity work or help provided to clients who voted you one of the five best attorneys in your town. Sharing general legal information also promotes your firm because you are sending that message that you have important knowledge.
If your firm would like some assistance with creative promotion through social media or improving your firm’s presence online, my team would be happy to help. Just give us a call.